Monday, June 23, 2008

and I wanted to leave so bad...

It's been a rough day and I needed to take a drive. My normal route would just be too depressing (and, admittedly, too expensive at this point) so I drove up to the side of town I went to high school at and drove some of the windier, less populated roads and listened to pulsing, emotional music turned up too loud and tried to observe what was around me and not analyze everything looping through my head.

My observations: This town (Corona) will be hard to miss. I have spent more time here in the past month than in the past four years, and yet it still has not struck anything within me. I really have no reason to be here except to visit my parents and the few friends that still reside here.

Even though I went to high school here (well, grew up here. We moved here when I was 3), there aren't many public places or hang outs that I am nostalgic for. Corona is a nice town. It has its charm and comfort, but nothing else really sticks out. Most people have somewhere they can go to reminisce.

Most of the places I do miss, I've missed for a while, as they no longer exist or are so vastly different now that they are unrecognizable.

  • Both the coffee shops my friends and I spent time in are closed up. One is now a subpar sushi place and the other is sitting unoccupied with it's gorgeous wood interior remaining untouched.
  • Nadia and Justin's cars from 02-04. Nad's is totalled. I've never had more life and death conversations with anyone or life and death experiences than in her car. Justin's was just fun... even though he methodically plotted how to get me to scream about his driving, but he does this even now...
  • The floor of Nadia's bedroom. Technically it is still there, but it has been throughmany reincarnations and since she is also leaving this summer, it no longer holds the same permanence.
  • Laying or sitting on top of the desks in Mejia's or Picc's after school hours and creating or conversing or trading music.